A broad spectrum skin support powder that contains herbs that cleanse the blood and lymph, support optimal gut and liver function and tend to the nervous system - the three central internal systems that govern health.
Here’s what’s inside:
~ Brahmi :: Master Ayurvedic tonic that aids sleep, regulates cortisol, buffers stress, cleanses the liver AND is a specific for skin health (see this week’s Monday Monograph for more info!)
~ Burdock :: Supreme lymphatic decongestant, blood cleanser and gut/liver axis support
~ Dandelion Root :: Liver cleanser that drains toxic heat and inflammation. Mobilises bile to aid digestion, and contains inulin to support microbiome health
~ Yellow Dock :: Blood and liver cleanser that clears heat and infection, and is sepcific for eczema and psoriasis
If you have chronic skin problems that you just have not been able to get on top of, our Skin Tonic is for you!